Project Based Learning (PBL) is a teaching method in which students learn by actively engaging in real-world and personally meaningful projects. Students work on a project over an extended period of time – from a week up to a semester – that engages them in solving a real-world problem or answering a complex question. They demonstrate their knowledge and skills by creating a public product or presentation for a real audience. As a result, students develop deep content knowledge as well as critical thinking, collaboration, creativity, and communication skills. Project Based Learning unleashes a contagious, creative energy among students and teachers.

The integrated curriculum of IGSS provides opportunities for students to develop an appreciation of the diverse culture of the visual arts. Interdisciplinary projects are an integral part of a course dedicated to expanding students' knowledge of art in an increasingly global society. Each project includes literature, historical context, and a visual component. Students examine historical and contemporary models as a means to recognize and understand unique perspectives on both art and life. Students learn observational, analytical, and interpretative skills through the use of group and individual critique. The studio component includes the exploration of materials and techniques, with an emphasis on developing problem-solving skills and creating original, thought-provoking artwork. Each assignment is directly linked to the IGSS English and social studies curriculum. Please see examples below.