The Integrated Global Studies School (IGSS) is an interdisciplinary school-within-a-school located on the Winnetka campus of New Trier High School. IGSS is designed to provide a small-school setting for juniors and seniors who are passionate about learning and who wish to help direct the path of their own education. Our school-within-a-school is a challenging opportunity for students and staff to examine connections within and across disciplines to develop creative and experiential courses of study. IGSS is driven by individuals who open mindedness inspires the spirit of inquiry, whose personal involvement is fueled by compassion, and whose convictions lead them to be responsibly active, both locally and globally, in the world outside the walls of New Trier.
A Brief history
New Trier’s strategic planning process of 2003 culminated in the creation of several Action Plans, each a collaboration of staff, students, and community members. Two separate Action Plans determined that an experiential and interdisciplinary school-within-a-school would be one way to offer some of our students an alternative learning environment. This new school would support a truly integrated curriculum and would emphasize experiential, inquiry-based learning. The Integrated Global Studies School, which opened its doors in the 2009-2010 school year, is the manifestation of these principles.
What courses do IGSS students see on their transcripts?
What courses do IGSS students see on their transcripts?
JUNIORS: IGSS US History; IGSS English; IGSS Art
SENIORS: IGSS Global Concerns; IGSS English; IGSS Art. The Civics requirement is also fulfilled. In the 2025-2026 school year, AP Seminar will be piloted. Students will be prepared to sit the exam in May
What is IGSS?
IGSS is so many things! Please watch the video to the right to get a small taste of the program.